Dear clients!
Since November 28, representative office will be located at the new address: Novograd-Volynskiy city, Shevchenko 54 str. (the territory of «Budivnychiy» store – in front of fiscal office)
Telephone number: (067) 623-10-89
Work schedule:
Mon – Fri: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Sat: 9 a.m – 3 p.m.
Sun: Day off
We are waiting for you at the new address!
Dear clients!
Please note that due to technical reasons temporary doesn’t work a landline phone in Kupyansk (05742) 5-68-15.
If you have questions, please call (067) 623-41-27.
Dear clients!
Since November 28, warehouse in Marganets town (Dnipro region) will be located at the new address:
Marganets town, 12А Klenova Str.
Telephone number: 067-628-06-04
Working hours:
Mon – Fri: 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Sat: 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Sun: Day Off
We are waiting for you at the new address!
"Delivery" Logistics company is the exclusive partner of the 16th All-Ukrainian Practical Workshop meeting of top managers "XVI Conference of the All-Ukrainian Logistics Day 2016".
More than 200 managers and Heads of logistic of manufacturing enterprises and trading networks, directors and managers of development, heads of sales and marketing departments came together to discuss practical cases and recent market trends.
The main theme of discussing of this year's event was "a breakthrough in logistics" which is achievable using the maximum flexibility, speed, reliability in the supply chain and of costs reduction.
As a part of the 16th Logistics day, the Head of national sales of "Delivery" Yuriy Rastrepin will be a speaker. In his speech "Life of Ukrainian logistic market" the expert will share the view of the freight market state in 2016 and will talk about forecasts in 2017.
The 16th All Ukrainian Logistics Day will be hold on November 25 at the address Kyiv, Molodogvardiyska str., 32 («Royal Kongress» Hotel).
Dear clients!
Please note that due to technical reasons, there are could be some temporary failures at «Kyivstar» work in Zaporizhia and oblast in the period: November 24 – 25.
Due to abovementioned, some difficulties may arise in the implementation and reception of calls in these regions.
If you cannot get through on "Kyivstar" numbers in these regions, please contact the Reference and Information Division of the corresponding Regional Center.
17 ноября в Киеве прошел круглый стол, в рамках которого участники рынка почтово-логистических услуг и компании- экспорётры обсудили анонсированную инициативу АПИТУ (Ассоциации предприятий информационных технологий Украины) касаемо внесения изменений в Таможенный и Налоговый кодексы Украины, которыми будет снижена предельная стоимость международных отправлений, не подлежащих налогообложению, со 150 до 22 евро.
Все участники круглого стола оценили инициативу отрицательно и предложили провести мероприятия по либерализации условий международных поставок товаров, упрощению и изменению порядка сертификации ввозимых товаров, а также изменить порядок работы томоженных органов с реестром объектов права интеллектуальной собственности.
В частности, заместитель главы правления «Деливери» Андрей Ивасив отметил, что инициатива снижения суммы безналогового ввоза товаров является разрушительной не только для рынка доставки, но и для экономики страны в целом. Предполагаемое наполнение бюджета за счет налоговых поступлений не произойдет, по причине фактического исчезновения трафика международной доставки товаров через экспресс и почтовые отправления. Но при этом есть уверенность в том, что контрабандный трафик грузов возрастет за счет перетекания грузов из международной почтовой и экспресс доставок.
Для того, чтобы побороть контрабанду и повысить платежи в бюджет, на самом деле необходимо не вводить дополнительные запреты и ограничения, а наоборот максимально упрощать и оптимизировать процедуры. «В целом, считаю необходимым работать над либерализацией порядка ввоза товаров и товарных партий на территорию Украины: такие шаги приведут к повышению конкуренции среди продавцов и производителей, а также к снижению цен на многие товары. При этом, нет необходимости каким-либо образом менять существующие таможенные и налоговые ставки», - прокомментировал Ивасив.
По словам директора юридического департамента Meest Group Илоны Коваль авторы законопроекта произвольно цитируют положения Директив ЕС и используют только те, которые идут им на пользу. Директива Совета ЕС по освобождению от налога на добавленную стоимость, на которую ссылаются авторы законопроекта, вообще не распространяется на товары, которые могут быть вложением в международные почтовые или экспресс-отправления.
ст. 23 Директивы ЕС 2009/132 / ЕС, которая является основным правовым обоснованием авторов законопроекта, касается исключительно товаров, которые не находятся в свободном обращении и товаров, которые находятся в свободном обращении, и поступают с третьей территории. При этом, Украины нет в списке третьих территорий, а в почтовых отправлениях не пересылаются товары, которые не находятся в свободном обращении. Таким образом, обоснование авторов законопроекта является результатом произвольного цитирование Директивы и цитируемые нормы не касаются международных почтовых и экспресс отправлений.
Николай Фильцев, заместитель директора компании SysElegance, производящей ПО и микрокомпьютеры, сделал акцент на необходимости приведения таможенного законодательствам к европейским стандартам, а именно:
Собравшиеся на круглом столе представители таких компаний, как «Деливери», Meest Express, Unitrade Group, SysElegance, FedEx, UPS и др. отметили, что не согласны с положениями данной инициативы. Поскольку снижение порога беспошлинного ввоза товаров целиком загонит рынок в тень и ограничит права простых украинцев в простых и более дешевых покупках за границей.
По результатам круглого стола участники решили подготовить предложения для профильного комитета Верховной Рады Украины.
Dear clients!
Please note that since November 23, warehouse in Lubny city renewed its work activity!
We are waiting your cargos to dispatch at the address: Chernyahivskogo str., 7.
We remind that previously on November 18, the work of representative office was temporary stopped due to technical reasons.
Dear clients,
We are glad to inform you that on November 22 2016, new representative office in Kiliya town (Odesa region) is opening.
We are waiting for you at the address: 26 Myru Str.
Phone: (067) 628-25-73
Working hours:
Mon. – Fri: from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm
Sat: from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm.
Sun: Day-off
You are very welcome!
On November 11 «Delivery» Company held a business-breakfast «Smart Logistics»: from access to а new market – to «Last mile» at a Customer Service Center.
The company has gathered very strong team of experts and speakers, who have shared practical knowledge in insurance, logistic and international transportations.
Viktor Baranowskiy, head of projects of "Logistics Workshop" Center told about his vision of "last mile" role of in company's logistics chain. His report has been supported by practical examples of "Delivery" Head of the Department of the address logistics Anton Bondarchuk, who spoke about the qualitative changes in the address logistic in the company in 2016.
For example, during 10 months of the current year the volume of deliveries increased by 17% and accounted 23% of total shipments, in comparison with the same period of 2015. The percent of pick-ups of cargo is growing. If in previously year 22% of cargos, transported by "Delivery" Company was taken from the customer address, in the 3d quarter of 2016 this percent is 25%.
The CEO of «Kvorum» insurance company – Elena Mironenko shared her own experience in insurance sphere and told how to choose correctly an insurance company, on which details clients need to pay their attention when it is necessary to make a contract.
Dmitry Pyatnitskiy, Head of the department of foreign trade and consulting of the Chamber of Commerce of Ukraine told about
introduction of Ukrainian companies at the European markets, import and export.
The most expectative performance of the business breakfast was the report of "Delivery" project manager Alexander Ilnitsky. Presented service of orders and deliveries of goods from US online stores - Delivery shop - caused the great interest of the audience. "The main difference between the «Delivery Shop» service from existing analogues - Full integration with American online stores, allowing customers instantly make purchases online without copying links and English knowledge ", - Alexandr concluded.
"Delivery" Customer Service Center is a free professional communication platform for customers and partners of the company, market leaders, national and international experts. Monthly CSC held business conferences, forums and professional workshops.
To get more details, please, click the link.
Demand for shipping services is rapidly growing in Ukraine, while the Ukrainian people are more willing to receive their dispatches "door to door". This is evidenced by indicators of "Delivery" logistics company for the 3d quarter 2016.
So, during 10 months of the current year the volume of deliveries increased by 17% and accounted 23% of total shipments, in comparison with the same period of 2015. The percent of pick-ups of cargo is growing. If in previously year 22% of cargos, transported by "Delivery" Company was taken from the customer address, in the 3d quarter of 2016 this percent is 25%.
In the specialized segment of consolidated cargo, Company continued to steer the course, reaching the increase of average weight of 1 receipt (TTN receipt) by 9%.
Current results for the period: January-October 2016 showed an increased interest of cargo owners in insurance. On average, the number of insured goods increased by 19.5% in the company. Taking into the account the fact that at the West there is 90% covered by insurance of the goods, in Ukraine the insurance of goods covers less than half of the market - still a huge potential for further growth.
For the first three quarters of 2016 "Delivery" launched 39 new representative offices in the cities where the company has not been previously provided. The plans before the end of the year - the opening of 11 new warehouses in Ukraine in close proximity to the manufacturing and distribution centers, large companies of retail sector. Some representative offices will be launched on its own, and some - by franchise. Thus, up to the end of 2016 "Delivery" will execute the plan of opening, announced earlier this year, and will expand the network of representative offices up to 280.
From the beginning of the 2016 the Company actively extended the specter of services for individual persons and legal entity.
In July, "Cash on delivery" service was launched, allowing customers to transfer cash for goods. Today, COD is available at 45 representative offices of the company. Plan is to launch the COD at 55 representative offices all over Ukraine up to the end of the year.
Since the beginning of autumn "Delivery" started up the first industry solution "Auto Price" for manufacturers and distributors of spare parts. In October, the number of cargo dispatches of auto industry increased by 50%. The most popular category of cargo shipments were vehicle and passenger car tires, which occupied 79% of the total volume of deliveries of auto products through the "Delivery". Another "Delivery" priority course will be development of the construction industry, for which a new industry-specific proposal is creating by the company.
Since October 2016, "Delivery" became to deliver goods for Ukrainian people from USA online stores. Delivery-Shop is a new service which is fully automated system of goods purchases in US online-shops with the further delivery to more than 1760 points of issue in Ukraine. Today, in the catalog of Delivery online-shop is the largest in the world choice of consumer goods - Amazon. In the nearest time it will be available Zappos hypermarket and store for children - Toys R Us.
In 2017 "Delivery" plans to replenish Delivery-Shop catalog by online-shops from China.
Active dynamics is observed for the development of freight traffic through «DelTruck» company, which is included in "Delivery" group of companies. From January to October 2016 the number of «DelTruck» flights increased by 65%, the number of customers - has increased by 3.5 times in comparison with previous period of 2015.
Dear clients!
Please note that due to bad weather conditions City Council in Ternopil city decided temporarily to restrict the movement of vehicles weighing more than 8t during the snowfall from 6 a.m. up to 11 p.m.
Such kind of restriction will influence at cargo delivery terms from/to Ternopil.
Decision of City Council is actual up to the 1st March 2017
15 листопада у приміщені Українського кризового медіа-центру за участі основних гравців ринку та посадовців УДППЗ «Укрпошта» відбувся круглий стіл «Як нова редакція законопроекту "Про поштовий зв'язок" вплине на ринки поштово-логістичних послуг та онлайн-торгівлі».
Ініціатором проведення круглого столу виступив Комітет із питань транспорту і логістики Спілки українських підприємців, головуючим якого наразі є заступник голови правління «Делівері» Івасів Андрій. За його словами, «ряд положень проекту закону містять передумови для вчинення корупційних дій з боку регулятора - НКРЗІ. У разі прийняття законопроекту у його поточному вигляді, ринок буде жорстко зарегульований, а Регулятор отримає безпрецедентні повноваження. На моє глибоке переконання повноваження Регулятора мають бути піддані серйозній ревізії і скороченню – у тому числі, і в рамках законодавства про дерегуляцію господарської діяльності».
У ході обговорення приватні компанії сфери доставки наголосили й на інших проблемних положеннях законопроекту. Серед яких – загроза здорожчання послуг доставки для клієнтів, яка стане наслідком впровадження внеску на регулювання галузі поштового зв’язку, що закладений в поточній редакції документу на рівні 0,2% від доходу кожного гравця.
На фоні впровадження практики прихованого ліцензування поточна редакція закону передбачає також отримання дозвільного документу на діяльність поштового оператора від регулятора – НКРЗІ. Загалом, у разі прийняття законопроекту в поточній редакції, гравці ринку працюватимуть в умовах жорсткого контролю та адміністративного тиску, у площині, яка досі розвивалася в умовах вільної і чесної конкуренції!
Учасники ринку, включно із державним оператором УДППЗ «Укрпошта», підтримують нагальну необхідність перегляду та доопрацювання законопроекту в його поточному вигляді, та закликають органи влади та регулятора врахувати неодноразово надіслані зауваження та пропозиції до законопроекту!
Переглянути відео з круглого столу «Як нова редакція законопроекту «Про поштовий зв’язок» вплине на ринки поштово-логістичних послуг та онлайн-торгівлі» можна за посиланням:
У заході взяли участь представники «Делівері», «Нова Пошта», «Міст Експрес», «Ін Тайм», E-commerce Expert, СУП та УДППЗ «Укрпошта».
До участі були запрошені представники Міністерства інфраструктури України та Національної комісії з регулювання зв’язку та інформатизації (НКРЗІ), які проігнорували участь в круглому столі.
Законопроект «Про поштовий зв’язок» було опубліковано для громадського обговорення на сайті Міністерства інфраструктури 13 жовтня. У визначений законом строк усі приватні гравці ринку подали свої пропозиції до Міністерства інфраструктури України щодо опублікованої редакції закону, проте жодні коментарі законотворцями враховані не були.
Delivery" logistic Company actively extends «Cash on delivery» service.
On November, 14 the service was started up at another warehouses of the company: Uzhgorod city
"Cash on delivery" service allows customers to transfer cash for the goods.
Cash on delivery is available for all kinds of dispatches: cargos, parcels, pallets, tires.
In the future the company plans to increase the number of representative offices, where you can use the service and will allow customers to transfer cash for the goods in other cities of Ukraine.
We remind that «Cash on delivery» service has been started up since July 2016 on the following warehouses:
Bila Tserkva | Kyiv-2 | Odesa-7 |
Boryspil-1 | Kyiv-3 | Pokrovsk-1 |
Brovary-1 | Kyiv-14 | Poltava-1 |
Vinnitsya-1 | Kovel-1 | Rivne-1 |
Vyshneve | Kostiantynivka | Severodonetsk |
Volodymir-Volynskiy | Kramatorsk | Sumy-1 |
Dnipro-1 | Kremenchuk-1 | Kharkiv -1 |
Dnipro-2 | Kryvyi Rih -1 | Kharkiv-4 |
Dnipro-4 | Lutsk-1 | Kharkiv -5 |
Zhytomyr-1 | Lviv-1 | Kharkiv-7 |
Zaporizhzhya -1 | Lviv-3 | Kherson-1 |
Zaporizhzhya-3 | Mariupol-1 | Khmelnickiy-2 |
Zolotonosha | Melitopol | Chervonograd |
Ivano-Frankivsk | Mykolaiv-1 | Chernigiv-1 |
Kyiv-1 | Odesa-1 | Uzhgorod |
To get more information about «Cash on delivery» service, click the link
Dear clients!
Please note that on November 14, warehouse in Balakliya city will be not working up to 4 p.m. due to technical reasons.
We apologize for temporary inconvenience.
Dear clients!
Please note that delays of cargo arrival and delays of address pick-ups /delivery could be at west regions due to bad weather conditions: Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Khmelnickiy.
Movement of transport is temporary stopped toward: Busk, Brody, Struy, Drogobych, Berdichev, Kozyatin.
There are problems with entering of transport to Zhytomyr and Bila Tserkva.
All changes in vehicle traffic will be promptly communicated at the website: follow the information updates.
Dear clients!
Please note that on November 12 representative office in Ivano-Frankivsk city will be working up to 3 p.m. due to movement of the warehouse.
Since November 14, representative office will be located: Ivano-Frankivsk city, Sagaydachnogo, 48 D str.
Telephone numbers: (067) 620-54-26, (067) 623-00-18
Work schedule:
Mon – Fri: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Sat: 9 a.m – 5 p.m.
Sun: Day off
We are waiting for you at the new address!
Dear clients!
Please note that landline (0322) 32-02-18 in Lviv office center could work with failures due to technical reasons.
If you have questions, please call us: (067) 621-27-97
«Delivery» logistic company has done available removal of the ban issuance at the mobile version of the web-site -, intended for usage on smartphones, and allowing the usage of popular "Delivery" services, regardless of where the user is located.
The decision to supplement the functionality of mobile version at the web-site was adopted by popular demand of customers who actively use smartphones.
In this way, removal of the ban issuance works at the following way:
In the address bar of smartphone user enters - the transition to the mobile version is automatically.
After the transition to the dashboard user selects the tab "My dispatches" - all receipts with the service "Prohibition of release of cargo " are specified by a red icon with the image of the hand.
Clicking on the receipt with the necessary service "Prohibition of release of cargo ", the user moves to expanded information on the receipt
When the code for checking comes in text message, please enter it in the open field
The ban on the release of cargo will be automatically removed!
We remind that the ban on the release of cargo refers to blocking release of goods to the recipient based on the sender's request at the time of registration of the cargo dispatch
The cost of "Prohibition of release of cargo" service is 20 UAH.
"Delivery" company quickly responds to the demands and wishes of its customers.
Dear clients!
Please note that due to technical reasons warehouse in Balakliya city will start its work since 10 a.m.
We apologize for temporary inconvenience
Do you want to win one of a warm autumn gifts from "Delivery" Company?
Do you want to win one of a warm autumn gifts from "Delivery" Company?
Hurry up to take part in the special offer!
In the period: November 7 - December 16 dispatch your goods from one of the 67 company's warehouses - take part in the draw game of autumn gifts
Every Friday’s draw game:
Special offer involves all dispatches, the cargo amount of one receipt is from 250 UAH. (Warehouse - Warehouse)
Winners names will be randomly determined at the web-site
*The list of warehouses which takes part in the special offer: Balta, Bogoduhiv, Bolgrad, Busk, Vasylkiv, Vyshgorod, Vinnitsya-1, Volchansk, Volnovaha, Volodymir-Volynskiy, Dobropillya, Zchytomir-1, Govti Vody, Zaporizhia-2, Zaporizhia-3, Zmiyiv, Zolotonosha, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kaniv, Kahovka, Kyiv-10, Kyiv-14, Kyiv-15, Kyiv-3, Kyiv-6, Kyiv-9, Kivercy, Kovel-1, Kovel-2, Korsun-Shevchenkovskiy, Konotop, Kocubinske, Krasnograd, Кременчук, Kryvyi Rih-3, Kropivnyckiy, Ladyzhyn, Lubny, Lutsk-2, Lutsk-3, Makariv, Marganets, Mariupol-1, Mirnograd, Mogilev-Podilskii, Nigyn, Nova Vodolaga, Novovolynsk, Novograd-Volynskiy,Piryatyn, Pokrovsk-2, Pokrovsk-3, Poltava-3, Priluki, Reni, Sarny, Skadovsk, Striy, Sumy-3, Trostyanec, Uman-2, Kherson-2, Horol, Cherkassy-2, Chernigiv-1, Yugnoukrainsk, Yampil.
0 800 509-509
Ukraine 01024, Kyiv city,
15/2 Velyka Vasylkivska street
0 800 509-509
Ukraine 01024, Kyiv city,
15/2 Velyka Vasylkivska street
Ukraine 01024, Kyiv city,
15/2 Velyka Vasylkivska street
(067) 57-57-347
Ukraine 01001, Kyiv city,
3 Lyuteranska str.